Sending Sensor Data to Smartphone over Bluetooth LE (Part 2: Hardware Design and Arduino Sketch)
In the first part of this article (" Sending Data from Multiple Sensors to Smartphone over Bluetooth LE (Part 1: Open-Source Mobile App) "), I explained how you can build a mobile app to receive data on your smartphone. In part 2, I am going to share details of a hardware setup (electronics) and Arduino sketch that read sensor data and send to the smartphone over Bluetooth LE. Electronic Hardware (Reader) The electronic hardware used here is almost identical to the one described in article below: DIY Reader with 128x64 SSD1306 OLED for APAS T1 Soil Moisture Sensor (Part 1: Electronic Hardware) You can reuse the design; however, you need to make the following changes to the circuitry to be able to use it as a Bluetooth LE device: Instead of the Adafruit M0 Basic/Adalogger, use the Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE . You do not need an OLED display, because the Arduino sketch sends sensor data to your smartphone instead of the OLED display. Arduino Sketch The sketch th...